FOCUS: Elizabeth Warren | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on April 17, 2019 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez RSN Sen. Elizabeth Warren [D-MA] +
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FOCUS: Matt Taibbi | Bernie Sanders and the Science of Smears on April 17, 2019 Bernie Sanders CAP Center for American Progress Dennis Kucinich Matt Taibbi Medicare for ALL propaganda RSN SMEARS +
Robert Reich | How McConnell Is Killing the Senate on April 17, 2019 Columbia David Brion Davis RIP deporting military spouses FARC MURDERS ICE Microplastic Particles Mitch McConnell NOTRE DAME RSN YEMEN WAR CRIMES +
NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL: Apple and Qualcomm Settle in Midst of Opening Statements on April 17, 2019 Autonomous Vehicles. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Chris Landau Fortinet KRASNER National Law Journal Pete Buttigieg SCOTUS WILLIAM BARR +