Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Congressional Salaries Should Be Furloughed During a Shutdown on December 27, 2018 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez BEARS EARS ICE ABUSE ICE HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE LOCKDOWNS Medicare for ALL NATIVE AMERICANS RSN SUDAN TRUMP'S GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN +
Naomi Klein | A Podcast in the Making: Getting Emotional About Labor on December 27, 2018 AMAZON BONE SPURS food stamps Hypersonic Nuclear Missile MARKETS PLUNGE NAOMI KLEIN RSN RUSSIA STEVEN MNUCHIN TIMBER INDUSTRY TRUMP CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL TRUMP'S GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN +
RSN: Norman Solomon | How Corporate Democrats Aim to Stifle Criticism on December 27, 2018 Bernie Sanders Beto O'Rourke Climate Change corporate Democrats DEMOCRATIC PARTY Medicare for ALL NORMAN SOLOMON RSN +