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Michael Moore | Bernie Comes in at #1

Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page
Moore writes: "Did you know in the last 6 weeks, in various polls in the early primary/caucus states, Bernie has come in at #1 in New Hampshire, #1 in Nevada, #1 in Georgia (Bernie beats Trump by a greater margin than any Democrat!) and, in this week's CBS poll, Bernie's currently tied at #1 in Iowa! Bernie's also #1 NATIONWIDE in nearly every poll among Latinos and #1 with all young adults, 18-35 years old!"

Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page
Moore writes: "Did you know in the last 6 weeks, in various polls in the early primary/caucus states, Bernie has come in at #1 in New Hampshire, #1 in Nevada, #1 in Georgia (Bernie beats Trump by a greater margin than any Democrat!) and, in this week's CBS poll, Bernie's currently tied at #1 in Iowa! Bernie's also #1 NATIONWIDE in nearly every poll among Latinos and #1 with all young adults, 18-35 years old!"

Democratic Debate. (photo: Saul Loeb/AFP)
ALSO SEE: Sanders Gets Applause at Debate for Call to Treat
Palestinians With Dignity
Debate Recap: A Night of Jabs, Flubs, Race and Trump
Dana Farrington, NPR
Farrington writes: "It was a night of jabs and flubs and multiple exchanges about race and gender. But overall, there wasn't as much attacking. There was less cross-talk among the candidates tonight compared with during the last two debates."


Vice President Mike Pence and Sec. of State Mike Pompeo. (photo: Getty)
Matthew Yglesias, Vox
Yglesias writes: "Rep. Devin Nunes is actually right about something: The key witnesses in the Trump impeachment hearings so far haven't said that President Donald Trump directly told them to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden."
Democrats have tools to turn up the pressure
The best way to resolve this situation would be for the officials in question to do the right thing and agree to testify. Following that, congressional Republicans would ideally stand up for the institutional prerogatives of Congress and the interests of the American people and vocally call for them to testify.
In the real world, neither of those things is going to happen.
Unfortunately, that leaves the ball in Democrats’ court, but they’re not entirely without tools. They could, for starters, attempt to use their powers of inherent contempt to raise pressure on non-cooperating officials.
They could also engage in some political combat. Congress is working on government funding bills that give Democrats some leverage over the White House. There are also ongoing negotiations about ratification of the president’s signature USMCA trade deal.
And there’s also simply a question of public messaging. Democrats, as of now, haven’t made a big deal in public about the failure of key officials to testify. That’s in keeping with what seems to be prevailing sentiment that the impeachment inquiry should be fast and narrow rather than broad and quick.
A speedy approach makes sense if Senate Republicans are open-minded about this situation. The facts revealed so far are extremely damning, so it could make sense to just move forward quickly rather than get bogged down in political and legal warfare about additional testimony. But of course that isn’t the situation.
Republicans aren’t going to agree to remove Trump. Everything that’s happening here is political display for the benefit of the voters. And to that end it would be extremely edifying to have extended public discussion of why the White House is stonewalling and why we can’t find out more about exactly who did what when.

Scott Warren, who volunteered with the humanitarian group No More Deaths. (photo: John Moore/Getty)
An Arizona Teacher Helped Immigrants in the Desert. A Jury Decided It Wasn't a Crime.
Adolfo Flores, BuzzFeed
Flores writes: "An Arizona geography teacher was found not guilty Wednesday of harboring undocumented immigrants who had crossed the southern border, a decision that came months after a jury first deadlocked on charges stemming from his work as a volunteer at the border."
Adolfo Flores, BuzzFeed
Flores writes: "An Arizona geography teacher was found not guilty Wednesday of harboring undocumented immigrants who had crossed the southern border, a decision that came months after a jury first deadlocked on charges stemming from his work as a volunteer at the border."

Rep. Ilhan Omar. (photo: Getty)
Rep Ilhan Omar Wants Compassion for Trump Supporter Convicted of Making Death Threats Against Her
Lateshia Beachum, The Washington Post
Beachum writes: "A man who threatened to kill Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has pleaded guilty, according to authorities."
Lateshia Beachum, The Washington Post
Beachum writes: "A man who threatened to kill Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has pleaded guilty, according to authorities."

Mourners light candles around coffins of backers of former President Evo Morales that died during clashes with security forces in Sacaba, Bolivia, Friday, Nov. 15, 2019. (photo: Juan Karita/AP)
Bolivian Military Carries Out Second Massacre Against Morales Supporters
Democracy NOW!
Excerpt: "In Bolivia, police and military forces killed at least five pro-Morales protesters and injured dozens more Tuesday, in at least the second massacre against Evo Morales' supporters since the longtime Bolivian president was ousted in what he calls a military coup."
Democracy NOW!
Excerpt: "In Bolivia, police and military forces killed at least five pro-Morales protesters and injured dozens more Tuesday, in at least the second massacre against Evo Morales' supporters since the longtime Bolivian president was ousted in what he calls a military coup."
Tuesday’s massacre occurred in the town of El Alto, near the capital of La Paz, where protesters had been blocking a major fuel plant for days. Police and military forces deployed helicopters and armored vehicles to the protest site. Witnesses say a military unit then opened fire on protesters, killing at least five young men. This is one of the victims’ relatives.
Victim’s relative: “The ones that were in the back took him and dragged him inside. What are they going to do with him now? Are they going to disappear him? Now they are saying there are no people dead. There are people dead. Their brothers are here. There are people dead. The bullet went through him, and the doctors are saying he’s going to die probably. And the press is not saying anything. They say there are no clashes.”
Tuesday’s killings follow Friday’s massacre near Cochabamba, where security forces killed at least nine Morales supporters. This all comes as Germany has secured access to Bolivia’s vast reservoir of lithium, a key raw material used to produce cellphone and electric car batteries. Shortly before his ouster, Bolivian President Evo Morales said he planned to cancel the agreement with Germany. But the right-wing government of self-declared President Jeanine Áñez now says the mining deal will move forward. Bolivia’s Potosí region is home to over 50% of the world’s lithium reserves.

An EPA sponsored cleanup of the toxic Gowanus Canal dredges a section of the canal of industrial debris on Oct. 28, 2016 in Brooklyn. (photo: Andrew Lichtenstein/Getty)
945 Toxic Waste Sites at Risk of Disaster From Climate Crisis
Jordan Davidson, EcoWatch
Davidson writes: "The climate crisis has put at least 945 designated toxic waste sites at severe risk of disaster from escalating wildfires, floods, rising seas and other climate-related disasters, according to a new study from the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO), as the AP reported."
Jordan Davidson, EcoWatch
Davidson writes: "The climate crisis has put at least 945 designated toxic waste sites at severe risk of disaster from escalating wildfires, floods, rising seas and other climate-related disasters, according to a new study from the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO), as the AP reported."
The GAO report looked at 1,571 Superfund sites and found that six out of 10 are vulnerable to extreme weather caused by the climate crisis. The GAO produced an interactive map that shows each of the 945 vulnerable sites. It is color-coded to show if the site is threatened by wildfires, hurricanes, storm surge, sea-level rise, or coastal and river flooding, as the Verge reported.
The study recommended that the EPA start incorporating the climate crisis into its decision making for toxic waste sites and its risk assessments for the Superfund sites.
The EPA however has continued to deny the climate crisis as a threat to the Superfund sites, according to the GAO report. The EPA does not include the climate crisis in its agency-wide policies, which stops the EPA from tackling the risks at contaminated sites as the planet heats up and extreme weather events increase in frequency, duration and intensity, as Inside Climate News reported.
The EPA issued a statement that was largely dismissive of the report. The statement also managed to avoid mentioning climate change.
"The EPA strongly believes the Superfund program's existing processes and resources adequately ensure that risks and any effects of severe weather events, that may increase in intensity, duration, or frequency, are woven into risk response decisions at non-federal [National Priorities List] sites," EPA Assistant Administrator Peter Wright said in a statement Monday, as the AP reported.
The GAO decided to look into the safety of Superfund sites after Hurricane Harvey in 2017 brought record rains to Houston and caused one toxic site to spring a leak, as BuzzFeed News reported. Floodwaters there eroded an "armored cap" that sealed off dioxins and other toxins linked to cancer and nerve damage. In the wake of the storm, officials tested that water sediment. They found that dioxin levels in the sediment were 2,000 times above what the EPA allows, according to the Houston Chronicle.
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