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The Democratic Establishment's Culpability in the Death of ThinkProgress
![]() Activist Facts Excerpt: "The Center for American Progress (CAP) and its parallel advocacy arm the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP Action) are two key cogs in the left-wing policy and message machine. Using the institutional imprimatur of CAP's 'think tank' and CAP Action's blog ThinkProgress, CAP's directors and funders - who include left-wing hedge fund titan George Soros - attempt to move national policy debates ever leftward." EXCERPT: In that light, you can almost see the shuttering of ThinkProgress—and the attempt to relaunch a neutered version—as a skirmish in the battle being fought over many of the other institutions that collectively make up what we imprecisely call “The Democratic Party.” It is perhaps not entirely coincidental that the independent media arm of the Center for American Progress was deemed inessential around the same time that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee codified (and hardened) its policy of blackballing vendors who work for primary challengers, around the same time that the head of the Democratic National Committee went to the mat to prevent presidential candidates from participating in a climate debate, and so on and so on. Certain forces are reasserting control and freezing out the insurgents and rabble-rousers in advance of a critical election year. This is the last, best chance to effect Trump’s removal, and those who command these institutions can no longer abide the heretics they once tolerated. READ MORE ![]() Charles Kupperman. (photo: Larry Downing/Reuters) ALSO SEE: John Bolton's Fill-In Was Condemned for Ties to Islamophobic Group
Charles Kupperman: A Bolton-Style Hawk Is Trump's Acting National Security Advisor
teleSUR Excerpt: "Out with the old, in with the same? This seems to be the case as the White House informed Tuesday that Charles Kupperman will be serving as acting National Security Advisor to replace sacked John Bolton." EXCERPT: Kupperman, 68, is a longtime defense contractor executive and neoconservative policy campaigner.
Kupperman served as vice president of Lockheed Martin’s missile defense sector and then as vice president of Boeing’s strategic operations and missile defense operations, a post he retired from in 2006.
Despite the years, he has maintained a conservative borderline far-right stance, as in recently from 2001 to 2010, he served on the board of directors of the Center for Security Policy, an anti-Muslim think tank led by Frank Gaffney Jr. that promotes aggressive missile defense programs and militarist policies.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an Alabama-based hate monitor, designates the CSP as an anti-Muslim hate group, pointing to the group's promotion of conspiracy theories claiming that Muslims have infiltrated the U.S. government and seek to establish Islamic law in the country.
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READ MORE ![]() U.S. Special Operations personnel prepare to board a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter during a mission in Afghanistan. (photo: U.S. Department of Defense)
"A More Volatile and Dangerous World": The Legacy of 9/11 and America's "Forever Wars"
George Herring, Lexington Herald Leader Herring writes: "It has been nearly 20 years since that fateful day we now call simply 9/11. We are still living with its consequences." READ MORE ![]() Demonstrators protest outside an ICE office in New Orleans on Monday, Sept. 9, 2019. (photo: Bryn Stole
Activists Arrested at New Orleans ICE Offices After Protesting Pending Deportation of Ill Cuban Man
Bryn Stole, NOLA Stole writes: "Dozens of demonstrators picketed outside U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement's New Orleans Field Office and blocked traffic on Loyola Avenue for about a half-hour Monday in a protest against the pending deportation of a Cuban asylum seeker with severe health issues." READ MORE ![]() A corn farmer. (photo: Austin Public Library)
For Rural America, Medicare for All Is a Matter of Life or Death
Barb Kalbach, Guardian UK Kalbach writes: "Insurance firms are gobbling up airtime in Iowa to attack Medicare for All. They claim it would hurt the very same hospitals their business model has spent years bleeding dry." READ MORE ![]() Hundreds of people who were displaced by Hurricane Dorian gather at a port that was turned into a distribution and evacuation centre in Marsh Harbour, Bahamas. (photo: Carolyn Van Houten/Getty Images
Desperation Mounts in Bahamas as Shelters Turn Survivors Away
Al Jazeera Excerpt: "Desperation mounted in the Bahamas on Tuesday as Hurricane Dorian survivors arriving in the capital by boat and plane were turned away from overflowing shelters." READ MORE ![]() A new report recommends five specific areas in which to invest. (photo: Basri Marzuki/NurPhoto/Getty Images)
5 Ways We Need to Adapt to Climate Change - or Pay the Price
Paola Rosa-Aquino, Grist Rosa-Aquino writes: "New findings suggest that the world needs to devote an urgent effort to adapt to the changes that are already on the horizon." READ MORE Update My Monthly Donation |
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