RSN: Mort Rosenblum | "Forget It, Jake. It's Chinatown." Just About Everywhere

Reader Supported News
17 May 19

Revelation: Funding the Organization Is Not a Crime
What all this hoopla over fundraising is all about is a basic budget for the organization. It a simple thing, a straight forward thing and something that, when ignored creates large immediate problems.
It’s funding, getting it squared away is not a crime, it’s a necessity.
In earnest.
Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News
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17 May 19
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RSN: Mort Rosenblum | "Forget It, Jake. It's Chinatown." Just About Everywhere 
The $3.2 billion China-funded Standard Gauge Railway is Kenya's largest post-independence infrastructure project. (photo: AFP)
Mort Rosenblum, Reader Supported News
Rosenblum writes: "China's range stretches from the ocean floor to the dark side of the moon."

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