RSN: Dennis J Bernstein | Elliot Abrams: Eyewitness to a War Criminal

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03 March 19
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DB: I confirmed that policy through a DEA agent named Selerino Castillo III, who documented weapon shipments and cocaine shipments operated from Ilopango Airport. There was a deal between the United States government and drug traffickers whereby they would be able to bring their drugs into the US and then fly weapons to the so-called Contras. So that at the same time they are supporting the slaughter in El Salvador, they are working to overthrow the Nicaraguan government.
By the way, the person who Trump just appointed the new attorney general, William Barr, was the one who pardoned Elliot Abrams, after all this mass murder, while he was attorney general under George H.W. Bush. So we can thank Barr that Elliot Abrams still influences US foreign policy.

Bernstein writes: "Through the 1980's, I wrote extensively about the impact of US policies in Central America, particularly in El Salvador and Guatemala, which included the training and funding of brutal dictators, corrupt politicians, and paramilitary death squads - iron-fisted rulers who ravaged and tortured their people, and murdered tens of thousands of those who tried to resist - teachers, farmers, campesinos union people, priests and nuns and church workers, and generally speaking the very poorest of the poor."
