VOTEVETS.ORG : Sign VoteVets petition: Tell the White House and Congress that you are ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED!


Last night, news broke that the Trump administration may allow schools to use federal funds in order to pay for arming teachers in America’s classrooms.

Let us be the first to say this is a horrible idea. It’s a terrible idea. It’s a dangerous idea.

Frankly, it’s hard to imagine a worse idea than giving a teacher a handgun and a few days at the range and expecting her or him to stop a "a bad guy with a gun" in a chaotic situation.

What some likely outcomes from this move by the Trump administration?

  • A kid gets a hold of the weapon and something terrible happens.

  • An argument with a student escalates and something terrible happens.

  • A negligent discharge causes something terrible to happen.

  • And in the event of a mass shooting, law enforcement mistakes the "good guy with a gun" for a bad guy and something terrible happens.

Veterans have an important voices in almost every aspect of this debate and we’re going to make ours heard. Add your name:

Congress has refused to pass legislation we know will keep our classrooms safer from gun violence. Now the president is taking action that puts kids at greater risk. Enough is enough.

We intend to make sure veterans are a part of this debate. Thanks for helping make that possible.

All my best,
Will Fischer
Iraq War Veteran and Director of Government Relations

