It doesn’t take many good days of fundraising to pay all of RSN’s bills for the entire month. But a really bad day of fundraising just frays everyone’s nerves and kicks the can down the road towards the end of the month.
Today is starting out looking like a very bad day of fundraising.
Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News
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Editorial Board | Here's the Quid Pro Quo Proof, Lindsey Graham

The Washington Post | Editorial
Excerpt: "But Mr. Graham did say the other day that 'if you could show me that, you know, Trump was actually engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing.' We think we can help the South Carolina Republican."

The Washington Post | Editorial
Excerpt: "But Mr. Graham did say the other day that 'if you could show me that, you know, Trump was actually engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing.' We think we can help the South Carolina Republican."
Pompeo Gets Drawn Deeper - Way Deeper - Into the Ukraine Scandal
Spencer Ackerman and Erin Banco, The Daily Beast
Excerpt: "Whatever hope Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had of staying in the background of the House Democratic impeachment inquiry evaporated under the heat of Ambassador William Taylor's damning deposition."
Spencer Ackerman and Erin Banco, The Daily Beast
Excerpt: "Whatever hope Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had of staying in the background of the House Democratic impeachment inquiry evaporated under the heat of Ambassador William Taylor's damning deposition."

Rep. Acasio-Cortez and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. (photo: CMandel Ngan/Chip Somodevilla/AFP/Getty)
AOC Stumps Zuckerberg With Questions on Far Right and Cambridge Analytica
Kari Paul, Guardian UK
Paul writes: "Ocasio-Cortez and other lawmakers grilled the Facebook CEO during a hearing in front of the US House of Representatives financial services committee regarding the launch of Facebook's cryptocurrency project, Libra."
Kari Paul, Guardian UK
Paul writes: "Ocasio-Cortez and other lawmakers grilled the Facebook CEO during a hearing in front of the US House of Representatives financial services committee regarding the launch of Facebook's cryptocurrency project, Libra."
Zuckerberg said Facebook does support removing content in cases of violence or of census or voter suppression. He did not answer whether the company would take down outright lies if they were in political advertisements.
This month, the company declined to take down a Trump campaign ad that included a misleading portrayal of the former vice-president Joe Biden’s work in Ukraine.
“Do you see a potential problem here with a complete lack of factchecking on political advertisements?” Ocasio-Cortez asked.
She also asked Zuckerberg about his “dinner parties with far-right figures” and if at those meetings he addressed the popular rightwing theory that Facebook cracks down on conservative speech, a question Zuckerberg also dodged.
Zuckerberg’s testimony marked the first time he has appeared before Congress since April 2018, when he spoke at a hearing regarding Cambridge Analytica. The executive repeatedly acknowledged Facebook’s mistakes during the questioning on Wednesday.
“I get that I’m not the ideal messenger for this right now. We’ve faced a lot of issues over the past few years and I’m sure there are a lot of people who wish it were anyone but Facebook that was helping to propose this,” he said.

Comcast sales office. (photo: Cindy Ord/Getty)
Comcast Is Lobbying Against Encryption That Could Prevent It From Learning Your Browsing History
Joseph Cox, Vice
Cox writes: "Internet giant Comcast is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against plans to encrypt web traffic that would make it harder for internet service providers (ISPs) to determine your browsing history, according to a lobbying presentation obtained by Motherboard."
Joseph Cox, Vice
Cox writes: "Internet giant Comcast is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against plans to encrypt web traffic that would make it harder for internet service providers (ISPs) to determine your browsing history, according to a lobbying presentation obtained by Motherboard."

The family of Javier Flores, an immigrant from Mexico, visit him in sanctuary at a Pennsylvania church in March 2017. (photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/Getty)
ICE Tried to Fine Immigrants Living in Sanctuary Churches
Nicole Narea, Vox
Narea writes: "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has withdrawn hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines it had levied against unauthorized immigrants who sought sanctuary from deportation in churches across the US."
Nicole Narea, Vox
Narea writes: "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has withdrawn hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines it had levied against unauthorized immigrants who sought sanctuary from deportation in churches across the US."

Protests in Chile extended into Monday as demonstrators expressed their concerns over economic inequalities. (photo: Edward Garrido/Reuters)
ALSO SEE: Chile Protesters Tortured, Sexually Abused by Security Forces: Report
At Least 18 Dead and Thousands Arrested in Chile Protests
Associated Press
Excerpt: "Tens of thousands of protesters swarmed Chile's capital Wednesday, setting up fiery barricades and clashing with riot police as an apology and promises of economic reform from President Sebastián Piñera failed to calm the unrest that has led to at least 18 deaths."
Associated Press
Excerpt: "Tens of thousands of protesters swarmed Chile's capital Wednesday, setting up fiery barricades and clashing with riot police as an apology and promises of economic reform from President Sebastián Piñera failed to calm the unrest that has led to at least 18 deaths."

Oil Refinery. (photo: CCO Public Domain)
US Air Pollution Is Getting Worse Under Trump, New Study Finds
Jordan Davidson, EcoWatch
Davidson writes: "Tweeting that the U.S. has the cleanest air in the world does not make it so. Not only do we rank 10th, but a new study says that after steady improvement during the Obama-era, air pollution has gotten worse while Donald Trump has been president."
Jordan Davidson, EcoWatch
Davidson writes: "Tweeting that the U.S. has the cleanest air in the world does not make it so. Not only do we rank 10th, but a new study says that after steady improvement during the Obama-era, air pollution has gotten worse while Donald Trump has been president."
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