We have tens of thousands of readers that check in every day, but will not join those that contribute to keep the project going?
We have your trust, you come here. That trust is built on our loyalty to you our supporters, not to an unnamed third party. But for some reason there is a belief that someone else will magically support the project.
This is yours, don't abuse it.
Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News
Founder, Reader Supported News
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Reader Supported News
PO Box 2043
Citrus Hts, CA 95611
FOCUS: As Portland Erupts Trump Wants ANTIFA Designated an 'ORGANIZATION of TERROR.'"

The Oregonian
Excerpt: "Right-wing activists and those protesting their presence converged Saturday on Portland's downtown waterfront in a much-anticipated confrontation that captivated a nation inflamed by rising division and resentment, with even President Donald Trump entering the fray."

The Oregonian
Excerpt: "Right-wing activists and those protesting their presence converged Saturday on Portland's downtown waterfront in a much-anticipated confrontation that captivated a nation inflamed by rising division and resentment, with even President Donald Trump entering the fray."
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