There are always a lot of 'hits' on this blog for RSN articles. We make a monthly automatic contribution, so should you. Step up to the plate to eliminate the constant fund-raisers! That includes the RUSSIAN TROLLS who crawl all over this site. What's the matter with you?
Reader Supported News has exceeded all expectations. The funding, however, is a long-range nightmare.
Using this formula, we will never be rich. It’s just not a process designed for wealth accumulation. The object is “stability” and adequate funds to fight for what we fight for every day.
We have to turn the fundraising around. It’s imperative.
A few committed individuals is all it will take to make RSN great.
Be a part of this. It is working.
Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News
Founder, Reader Supported News
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FOCUS: Matt Taibbi | Ross Perot Had the Last Laugh
Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone Taibbi writes: "Everyone laughed at Ross Perot. If the biggest third-party threat to the presidency since the Bull Moose Party hadn't existed, late-night comics would have invented him." READ MORE Update My Monthly Donation |
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