RSN: John Kiriakou | With Trump’s Iranian Misadventure, Putin Wins Again
John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News
Kiriakou writes: "Well, we walked right up to the brink of war with Iran last week. Again. It didn’t happen, of course, and The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other journals of record are replete with minute-by-minute explanations of what happened when and why. Much of it is nonsense. And much more of the coverage ignores the bigger-picture analysis."
John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News
Kiriakou writes: "Well, we walked right up to the brink of war with Iran last week. Again. It didn’t happen, of course, and The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other journals of record are replete with minute-by-minute explanations of what happened when and why. Much of it is nonsense. And much more of the coverage ignores the bigger-picture analysis."
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