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Garrison Keillor | Trying Hard to Relax and Have Fun
Garrison Keillor, Garrison Keillor's Website Keillor writes: "I've been a grind for many years, chained to my oars, and I am in serious need of frivolity, so last Friday my wife and daughter and I boarded the Queen Mary 2 in New York and sailed out of the harbor and under the Verrazano Bridge bound for England with a dance band on board." READ MORE A question added to the 2020 census asking about citizenship could cause many immigrants to not participate in the census. (photo: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images)
Top Census Official Discussed Citizenship Question With GOP Strategist, Lawyers Allege
Tara Bahrampour, The Washington Post Bahrampour writes: "Documents discovered in the files of a deceased Republican redistricting strategist contain further information connecting him to the Trump administration's quest to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, say civil rights groups challenging the question." READ MORE Migrants, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, climb down a steep hill near the border wall into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. (photo: Leah Millis/Reuters)
Mexico Releases the Full Text of Trump's Immigration 'Deal'
Rachel Withers, Vox Withers writes: "The Mexican government has released a copy of a deal Donald Trump waved in front of reporters this week that he called 'the agreement that everybody says I don't have.'"
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The document puts to rest (or at least should) Trump’s claim that there were secret elements of the deal the US reached with Mexico, but it also points to a future deal that could be a win for Trump.
The new and strengthened rules would mark a turning point for the 2.4 million people who live in nearly one million rent-regulated apartments in New York City. (photo: Brittainy Newman/NYT)
Titans of Real Estate in 'Shock' Over New York Rent Law Deal
J. David Goodman, Vivian Wang, Luis Ferre-Saduri, The New York Times Excerpt: "Less than a day after newly emboldened Democratic lawmakers announced bills that would significantly tighten tenant protections, prominent real estate developers got Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on the phone to make a last-ditch plea to persuade him to block the measures." READ MORE Hands typing on a computer keyboard. (photo: hamburg_berlin/Shutterstock)
Report: Hundreds of Police Officers Belong to Racist Facebook Groups
Michael Harriot, The Root Harriot writes: "Investigative journalists have discovered hundreds of law enforcement officers around the country who are active in members-only Facebook groups that are based on racism, hate and ... well, it would be nice to add a third thing here, but that's about it." READ MORE The AFGE contends, its members are under attack, thanks to recent actions by the Trump administration. (photo: AFGE/Twitter)
The Trump Administration's War on Federal Workers
Sarah Lahm, In These Times Lahm writes: "Claiming 700,000 members in the United States and overseas, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) stands as the nation's largest federal and D.C. government employee labor union." READ MORE
Arctic Permafrost Melting 70 Years Sooner Than Expected, Study Finds
Jan Wesner Childs, The Weather Channel Childs writes: "Scientists studying climate change expected layers of permafrost in the Canadian Arctic to melt by the year 2090." READ MORE Update My Monthly Donation |
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