Matt Taibbi | How to Blow $700 Billion

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Matt Taibbi | How to Blow $700 Billion 
Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning issued a statement explaining that an 'authorized operator' of the account 'erroneously re-tweeted content that would not be endorsed by the Department of Defense.' (photo: Getty)
Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone
Taibbi writes: "We have little idea of what mischief might be taking place at the Department of Defense."

White House adviser Jared Kushner. (photo: Getty)
White House adviser Jared Kushner. (photo: Getty)

Elijah Cummings: White House Officials Using Personal Accounts to Do Official Work
Benjamin Siegel, ABC News
Siegel writes: "White House senior adviser and President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has used an encrypted messaging application for official business and to communicate with contacts outside the United States, his lawyer told senior lawmakers in December."

Former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference in February. (photo: Alex Wong/Getty)
Former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference in February. (photo: Alex Wong/Getty)

Wisconsin Judge Blocks Republicans' Lame-Duck Power Grab
Fred Barbash, The Washington Post
Barbash writes: "A Wisconsin judge on Thursday blocked several lightning-fast actions in December by the state's Republican-controlled legislature to limit the power of its incoming governor, Democrat Tony Evers, and preserve policies implemented by his predecessor, Scott Walker."

Dominic Archibald is the mother of Nathaniel Pickett, a 29-year-old unarmed man killed by a San Bernardino county officer. (photo: Joe Buglewicz/The Guardian UK)
Dominic Archibald is the mother of Nathaniel Pickett, a 29-year-old unarmed man killed by a San Bernardino county officer. (photo: Joe Buglewicz/The Guardian UK)

'The Victim Becomes the Criminal': How Prosecutors Vilify Those Killed by Police
Sam Levin, Guardian UK
Levin writes: "District attorneys have repeatedly engaged in what victims' families describe as cruel and painful smears of the dead."

ICE Officers make an arrest. (photo: ICE)
ICE Officers make an arrest. (photo: ICE)

ICE Sets Record for Arrests of Undocumented Immigrants With No Criminal Record
Alan Gomez, USA TODAY
Gomez writes: "Federal immigration agents under President Donald Trump have set a new record for arrests of undocumented immigrants who don't have a criminal record, according to data released Thursday."

Syrians rally in Majdal Shams in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights last October. (photo: Reuters)
Syrians rally in Majdal Shams in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights last October. (photo: Reuters)

Golan Heights: Trump Aims to 'Shore Up' Support for Netanyahu Ahead of Israeli Vote
Ali Harb, Middle East Eye
Harb writes: "Donald Trump's announcement that Washington will recognize Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is an effort to boost the re-election chances of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, analysts said."

Exxon-Mobile oil refinery. (photo: Getty)
Exxon-Mobile oil refinery. (photo: Getty)

Major Oil and Gas Companies Spent $1 Billion Since 2015 Blocking Action on Climate Change
Alastair Sharp, Canada's National Observer
Sharp writes: "In the three years since world leaders signed the Paris Agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the world's five largest oil and gas companies have spent more than $1 billion on misleading branding and lobbying related to climate change, according to a new report."
