William Boardman | Court Uses Law's Absurdity to Allow Unfit Kavanaugh to Remain as Justice
William Boardman, Reader Supported News
Boardman writes: "That's the whole argument: that Kavanaugh gets to escape judicial accountability, and his getaway car is his seat on the Supreme Court. This is cultural madness and legal absurdity. What were those Tenth Circuit judges thinking?"
William Boardman, Reader Supported News
Boardman writes: "That's the whole argument: that Kavanaugh gets to escape judicial accountability, and his getaway car is his seat on the Supreme Court. This is cultural madness and legal absurdity. What were those Tenth Circuit judges thinking?"
Angela Davis, in 2017, at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York. (photo: Gonzalo Marroquin/Patrick McMullan/Getty)
Angela Davis | Statement on the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Angela Davis, Angela Davis's Facebook Page
Davis writes: "On Saturday January 5, I was stunned to learn that the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Board of Directors had reversed their previous decision to award me the Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award."
Angela Davis, Angela Davis's Facebook Page
Davis writes: "On Saturday January 5, I was stunned to learn that the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Board of Directors had reversed their previous decision to award me the Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award."
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. (photo: Melina Mara/Getty)
Marginal Tax Rates: The Super Easy Explainer America Needs
Jason Linkins, ThinkProgress
Linkins writes: "Knowledge of marginal tax rates should be a part of everyone's basic civics education, but as it's not, there's no sense in shaming ordinary people for not knowing."
Jason Linkins, ThinkProgress
Linkins writes: "Knowledge of marginal tax rates should be a part of everyone's basic civics education, but as it's not, there's no sense in shaming ordinary people for not knowing."
Border wall. (photo: Getty)
How to Challenge a Trump Supporter About the Wall
Vicky Alvear Shecter, Medium
Shecter writes: "A conservative challenged liberal Facebook friends to 'make a case, not based on emotion' against Trump's wall. Conservative buddies flooded his post with snide remarks about how this would be impossible for 'deluded libs.'"
Vicky Alvear Shecter, Medium
Shecter writes: "A conservative challenged liberal Facebook friends to 'make a case, not based on emotion' against Trump's wall. Conservative buddies flooded his post with snide remarks about how this would be impossible for 'deluded libs.'"
Dairy production facility. (photo: Getty)
Federal Judge Strikes Down Iowa 'Ag-Gag' Law
Rox Laird, Courthouse News
Laird writes: "Iowa's so-called 'ag-gag' law that makes it a crime for undercover journalists or animal-rights activists to investigate and report on animal abuse in livestock facilities is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Wednesday."
Rox Laird, Courthouse News
Laird writes: "Iowa's so-called 'ag-gag' law that makes it a crime for undercover journalists or animal-rights activists to investigate and report on animal abuse in livestock facilities is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Wednesday."
Women in Saudi Arabia. (photo: Getty)
Saudi Woman's Flight Rallies Opposition to Male Guardianship
Stephen Kalin, Reuters
Kalin writes: "An 18-year-old Saudi woman's flight from what she said was an abusive family has rallied opposition to the kingdom's male guardianship system, still a major constraint on women despite the conservative Muslim country's efforts to open up."
Stephen Kalin, Reuters
Kalin writes: "An 18-year-old Saudi woman's flight from what she said was an abusive family has rallied opposition to the kingdom's male guardianship system, still a major constraint on women despite the conservative Muslim country's efforts to open up."
An employee stocks the shelves with fresh peppers in the produce section of a Whole Foods Market store in Dublin, Ohio, November 7, 2014. (photo: Ty Wright/Getty)
Government Shutdown Stops FDA Food Safety Inspections
Maggie Fox, NBC News
Fox writes: "The ongoing federal government shutdown has stopped most food safety inspections, but the Food and Drug Administration is planning to resume at least some of them. To do it, the agency will have to force furloughed workers to come back without pay."
Maggie Fox, NBC News
Fox writes: "The ongoing federal government shutdown has stopped most food safety inspections, but the Food and Drug Administration is planning to resume at least some of them. To do it, the agency will have to force furloughed workers to come back without pay."
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