Charles Pierce | We Gave These Clowns Way Too Much Leash for Far Too Long

Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "Late Friday afternoon, there was a potentially ominous announcement from the Supreme Court of the United States."

Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "Late Friday afternoon, there was a potentially ominous announcement from the Supreme Court of the United States."

'Many people who rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to feed their families could be looking at a cut in benefits if the shutdown continues into next month.' (photo: US Department of Agriculture/Flickr)
Super-Rich Trump Says He Can 'Relate' to Federal Workers Who Can't Pay Bills Due to His Shutdown
Addy Baird, ThinkProgress
Baird writes: "He may or may not truly be a billionaire, but it's common knowledge that Donald Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth."
Addy Baird, ThinkProgress
Baird writes: "He may or may not truly be a billionaire, but it's common knowledge that Donald Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth."

Nina Dang stands with the bike she was riding the day of her accident near Boardman Place in San Francisco, California, on December 30, 2018. (photo: Emma Marie Chiang/Vox)
A $20,243 Bike Crash: Zuckerberg Hospital's Aggressive Tactics Leave Patients With Big Bills
Sarah Kliff, Vox
Kliff writes: "Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG), recently renamed for the Facebook founder after he donated $75 million, is the largest public hospital in San Francisco and the city's only top-tier trauma center. But it doesn't participate in the networks of any private health insurers."
Sarah Kliff, Vox
Kliff writes: "Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG), recently renamed for the Facebook founder after he donated $75 million, is the largest public hospital in San Francisco and the city's only top-tier trauma center. But it doesn't participate in the networks of any private health insurers."

Leonard Leo. (photo: Carolyn Kaster/AP)
Top Trump Backer Financed Supreme Court Confirmation Fights Through Shadowy Network
Lachlan Markay, The Daily Beast
Lachlan Markay, The Daily Beast
America Engaged is a 501(c)(4) “dark money” nonprofit group that lists Leo as its president. A mission statement provided to the IRS describes it as “a public policy organization dedicated to promoting the Constitution of the United States and its core structural features—checks and balances, decentralized authority, enumerated powers, federalism.”
America Engaged was formed in 2016, and brought in less than $50,000 through the end of that year. But in 2017, its income skyrocketed to $2.3 million. All but $100 of that income came from a single donor: another Leo-affiliated group called the BH Fund, which itself was funded last year by a single anonymous donor who gave a whopping $24,250,000, according to documents obtained by MapLight.
America Engaged used that money to finance grants to three other organizations: the lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association; Freedom Partners, an arm of the Koch political network; and Americans for Limited Government, a Virginia-based free-market nonprofit group. All three of those groups publicly backed Gorsuch’s nomination the same year they received support from America Engaged.
Markay writes: "Leonard Leo is the top judicial lobbyist in the country and a well-known booster of the president. But the reach of his influence is just starting to come into focus."

Washington state has banned people under 21 from buying semi-automatic assault rifles. (photo: Elaine Thompson/AP)
US States and Cities That Passed New Progressive Laws Under Trump
Erin Durkin, Guardian UK
Durkin writes: "The federal government under Donald Trump may be tacking to the right - when it can cut through the gridlock and enact new policies at all - but states and cities with a more progressive bent have pushed forward new laws dealing with the environment, gun control, public health and women's and transgender rights."
Erin Durkin, Guardian UK
Durkin writes: "The federal government under Donald Trump may be tacking to the right - when it can cut through the gridlock and enact new policies at all - but states and cities with a more progressive bent have pushed forward new laws dealing with the environment, gun control, public health and women's and transgender rights."

Lieutenant Kelly Ondo Obiang announced the seizure of power on national media. (photo: YouTube/AFP)
Gabon, a small country with a population of about two million people, is estimated to be the fourth-richest nation in Africa.
Excerpt: "Soldiers in Gabon have attempted a coup, announcing the establishment of a 'restoration council' after taking over the national radio station."

Ryan Zinke. (photo: Melina Mara/WP/Getty Images)
2018 Wasn't a Completely Horrible Year for the Environment
Jeff Turrentine, The Natural Resources Defense Council
Turrentine writes: "The people and the planet can claim more than a few victories - and 2019 is looking better already."
Jeff Turrentine, The Natural Resources Defense Council
Turrentine writes: "The people and the planet can claim more than a few victories - and 2019 is looking better already."
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