RSN: John Kiriakou | After Snowden

John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News
Kiriakou writes: "Five years have passed since Edward Snowden told Americans that our government was spying on us. Before he said anything, most of us believed that it was illegal for the NSA (or the CIA or any of the other myriad intelligence agencies) to spy on Americans. Indeed, the NSA's charter expressly forbids it. But Snowden came forward with the proof. And it was damning."

John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News
Kiriakou writes: "Five years have passed since Edward Snowden told Americans that our government was spying on us. Before he said anything, most of us believed that it was illegal for the NSA (or the CIA or any of the other myriad intelligence agencies) to spy on Americans. Indeed, the NSA's charter expressly forbids it. But Snowden came forward with the proof. And it was damning."
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