Charles Pierce | Cheers to Whoever Just Saved Us $92 Million on Trump's Farce of a Parade
Charles Pierce, Esquire Pierce writes: "Somewhere in that five-sided mystery cabinet along the Potomac is a genuine American hero." READ MORE Paul Manafort. (photo: Getty)
ALSO SEE: Mueller Recommends Six Months in Prison for
George Papadopoulos for Lying to Federal Agents
Judge in Paul Manafort Trial Says He Has Been Threatened and Is Now Under US Marshal Protection
Dan Mangan and Kevin Breuninger, CNBC Excerpt: "Judge T.S. Ellis, the man presiding over the criminal trial of former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort, said Friday that he has received threats about the case - and now travels with protection from the U.S. Marshal Service." READ MORE Blackwater founder Erik Prince. (photo: Getty)
Officials Worry Trump May Back Erik Prince Plan to Privatize War in Afghanistan
Carol E. Lee, Courtney Kube and Josh Lederman, NBC News Excerpt: "President Donald Trump is increasingly venting frustration to his national security team about the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and showing renewed interest in a proposal by Blackwater founder Erik Prince to privatize the war, current and former senior administration officials said." READ MORE A McDonald's employee serves a burger and a carton of french fries. (photo: Jason Alden/Bloomberg)
US Bosses Now Earn 312 Times the Average Worker's Wage, Figures Show
Dominic Rushe, Guardian UK Rushe writes: "The chief executives of America's top 350 companies earned 312 times more than their workers on average last year, according to a new report published Thursday by the Economic Policy Institute." READ MORE Janet McFetridge, 66, explains to a family of Palestinian asylum seekers what will happen when they try to cross the border. McFetridge waits at this waypoint year-round, offering snacks, clothes and toys for children on the journey to Canada. (photo: Andre Malerba/The Washington Post)
Undocumented Immigrants Are Fleeing Trump's America to Head to Canada - and These Americans Are Helping
Tim Craig, The Washington Post Craig writes: "McFetridge is part of a loosely assembled network of progressive activists, faith leaders and taxi drivers who have mobilized to help undocumented immigrants cross the northern border." READ MORE A child injured in a Saudi bombing of a school bus in Yemen. The bomb used was provided to Saudi Arabia by the U.S. (photo: Hani Mohhamed/AP)
Bomb That Killed 40 Children on Bus in Yemen Was Supplied by the US
Nima Elbagir, Salma Abdelaziz, Ryan Browne, Barbara Arvanitidis and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN Excerpt: "The bomb used by the Saudi-led coalition in a devastating attack on a school bus in Yemen was sold as part of a US State Department-sanctioned arms deal with Saudi Arabia, munitions experts told CNN." READ MORE A fracking operation in the Monterey Shale Formation in California. (photo: David McNew/Getty
Fracking Is Destroying US Water Supply, Warns Shocking New Study
Joe Romm, ThinkProgress Romm writes: "An alarming new study reveals fracking is quite simply destroying America's water supply." READ MORE |
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