Charles Pierce | If Cohen Is Telling the Truth, That Ought to Be Ballgame

Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "We are now at one of those points. With the revelation on CNN Thursday night that, according to the network's sources, Michael Cohen is ready to testify that the president* knew in advance of the now-legendary meeting in June of 2016 at which individuals connected to the Russian government offered to ratfck Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign for him."

Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "We are now at one of those points. With the revelation on CNN Thursday night that, according to the network's sources, Michael Cohen is ready to testify that the president* knew in advance of the now-legendary meeting in June of 2016 at which individuals connected to the Russian government offered to ratfck Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign for him."

Undocumented immigrant children at a U.S. Border Patrol processing center in McAllen, Texas. (photo: Reuters)
Immigrant Youth Shelters: 'If You're a Predator, It's a Gold Mine'
Michael Grabell and Topher Sanders, ProPublica
Excerpt: "Just five days after he reached the United States, the 15-year-old Honduran boy awoke in his Tucson, Arizona, immigrant shelter one morning in 2015 to find a youth care worker in his room, tickling his chest and stomach."
Michael Grabell and Topher Sanders, ProPublica
Excerpt: "Just five days after he reached the United States, the 15-year-old Honduran boy awoke in his Tucson, Arizona, immigrant shelter one morning in 2015 to find a youth care worker in his room, tickling his chest and stomach."

A voter holds various ID cards. (photo: Jaime Henry-White/AP)
Interference in US Elections Has Been Going On for Years. The Reason? Voter Purges
Myrna Perez, Guardian UK
Perez writes: "In every American election there are some voters who show up to their polling place ready to cast a ballot, only to find their name isn't on the registration list."
Myrna Perez, Guardian UK
Perez writes: "In every American election there are some voters who show up to their polling place ready to cast a ballot, only to find their name isn't on the registration list."

Donald Trump spars with Univision reporter Jorge Ramos during a news conference. (photo: Reuters)
Venting About Press, Trump Has Repeatedly Sought to Ban Reporters Over Questions
Philip Rucker, Josh Dawsey and Ashley Parker, The Washington Post
Excerpt: "President Trump has sought repeatedly to punish journalists for the way they ask him questions, directing White House staff to ban those reporters from covering official events or to revoke their press credentials, according to several current and former administration officials."
Philip Rucker, Josh Dawsey and Ashley Parker, The Washington Post
Excerpt: "President Trump has sought repeatedly to punish journalists for the way they ask him questions, directing White House staff to ban those reporters from covering official events or to revoke their press credentials, according to several current and former administration officials."

Mona Hanna-Attisha at her office in the Hurley Children's Center in Flint. (photo: Brittany Greeson/WP)
As Death Toll Rises in Flint, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha Comments on Her Fight to Expose Lead Poisoning in the City
Mona Hanna-Attisha and Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
Excerpt: "A new report by PBS 'Frontline' has found the death toll from the water crisis in Flint may be higher than Michigan officials have acknowledged."
Mona Hanna-Attisha and Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
Excerpt: "A new report by PBS 'Frontline' has found the death toll from the water crisis in Flint may be higher than Michigan officials have acknowledged."

A boat filled with refugees. (photo: Fotis Plegas G/Reuters)
EU Migration Policy Has Killed Over 1,500 Refugees at Sea So Far This Year
D. Parvaz, ThinkProgress
Parvaz writes: "Despite the European Union's efforts to keep migrants and refugees from reaching its shores, those running from war and strife continue to make the perilous trip across the Mediterranean. The only difference is that fewer are making it alive."
D. Parvaz, ThinkProgress
Parvaz writes: "Despite the European Union's efforts to keep migrants and refugees from reaching its shores, those running from war and strife continue to make the perilous trip across the Mediterranean. The only difference is that fewer are making it alive."

Extreme heat waves, such as the several torching the Northern Hemisphere this week, are frequently cited as one of the most direct effects of man-made climate change. (photo: WLFI)
Deadly Heat Waves Becoming More Common Due to Climate Change
Brandon Miller, CNN
Miller writes: "Deadly heat waves are going to be a much bigger problem in the coming decades, becoming more frequent and occurring over a much greater portion of the planet because of climate change, according to a study published last summer in Nature Climate Change."
Brandon Miller, CNN
Miller writes: "Deadly heat waves are going to be a much bigger problem in the coming decades, becoming more frequent and occurring over a much greater portion of the planet because of climate change, according to a study published last summer in Nature Climate Change."
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